How to Convert PSD to HTML : Your Complete Guide

31 Jul 2021 5 Min Read
How to Convert PSD to HTML : Your Complete Guide

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The tech-savvy era we are living in makes it imperative to have an engaging website. PSD to HTML Conversion is one of the best ways to add interactive features to a static image.

Did you know, 92.2% of websites use HTML?

Though converting PSD into HTML is not a challenging task, what matters is how you do it. In this article, we will discuss how to convert PSD into HTML efficiently. Let’s get started.

Step 1. Slice the PSD Into Small Pieces

A PSD file contains several image layers. Coding all the layers together is challenging and prone to errors. Another reason not to convert the PSD directly into HTML is that it makes it difficult to edit the code.

Therefore, slice the PSD into different pieces. When cutting, you can focus on these elements first:

  • Headers
  • Navigation menu
  • Background
  • Footers

After slicing the layers, save them in JPEG or PNG format using Adobe Photoshop. Also, make sure to retain the quality and pixels of the image for better reference.

Step 2. Create Directories

The next step is to create the necessary directories so you can manage the data better. You can create:

  • A folder with the website name (this is where you will store the HTML and style sheets).
  • A folder named images to store all the images that you will use on your website.
  • A file named website.html and website.css.

Step 3. Write HTML Codes

Now that you have created the directories, it’s time to create HTML pages. If you are not well versed with HTML, you can check out this tutorial.

Create HTML files for each image that you separated in the first step. You can use tools like Dreamweaver to create HTML files. Or you can use Notepad, too: just make sure to save the file in .html format.

Additionally, set the viewport to make your code responsive. This will make your webpage good on devices of all sizes.

Here’s how an unresponsive page will look in small devices (left image). And how your page will look after you make it responsive (right picture).


Note: It is recommended to start from the top and gradually move to the bottom rather than coding the easiest parts first.

Step 4. Create Style Files

HTML is great for defining the structure of the web page. To style the web page (i.e., adding colors, fonts, etc.), you need to use CSS (Cascading Style Sheet).

There are three types of CSS:

#1. Inline CSS:

It contains the CSS properties in the body section.

#2. Internal or Embedded CSS:

It contains the CSS properties in the head section.

#3. External CSS:

It is an external file embedded within the HTML file in the head section.

If you are wondering why we are talking about CSS in PSD to HTML conversion guide, here’s why.

Take a look at the image below. Without CSS, your HTML file will only be about text (right photo). With CSS, you can add background color, search bars, social buttons, and more (left picture).


Step 5. Put All the Elements Together

Now that you have created HTML and CSS files, it’s time to merge them. However, to do this, you will need a professional tool like Notepad++, Dreamweaver, or CoffeeCup HTML editor.

Once you have combined the files, it’s time to test your code. Run it in a browser to check if it is a replica of the PSD. If not, make the necessary changes in the code.

Get Help From a PSD Conversions Company!

PSD to HTML conversion gets easier when you hire experts. PSDtoHTMLNinja is a leading conversion company. Apart from ensuring your HTML is a replica of the PSD file, we implement SEO semantic coding to increase your chances of ranking in the search engine results pages. Another reason to choose us is that we offer 180 days of free support and ensure your HTML file is compatible with all browsers.

➡️ Check out this comprehensive guide on how to choose the best PSD to HTML conversion service provider.

Wrapping Up

HTML is the most used web development technology. On the other hand, PSD allows you to create a graphic representation of the website without coding. Follow the steps mentioned above to convert PSD to HTML easily and efficiently.

Are you looking for PSD to HTML conversion services? We’ve been doing it for years now. We have all the necessary resources to efficiently convert a PSD file into HTML. Book our services now!

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