PSD to HTML Conversion: How to Choose an Outsourcing Company

16 Aug 2023
PSD to HTML Conversion: How to Choose an Outsourcing Company

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PSD to HTML conversion services have heavily changed the web development world by offering the scope for engaging and interactive websites. If you are aiming to get a website developed and are seeking ways of impressing your audience, then a PSD to HTML conversion service can add value to your business.

Developers recommend this service because of its ability to attract an online audience, which is not a piece of cake. Getting online traffic and retaining it is a tremendously difficult task. But you can achieve this with the right service and assistance. A trusted PSD to HTML conversion company is the answer to all your questions. Still confused? Don’t worry, we have prepared this comprehensive guide to make the decision easier for you.

Why choose a PSD to HTML conversion service?

Imagine getting a website for your business that has the design of your choice and also functions perfectly. PSD to HTML Conversion does that for you. The service works by having you select a website design of your choice, get it in PSD or Photoshop format, and then approach a conversion service provider. These experts then convert your static designs into dynamic websites using HTML and CSS codes.

Companies prefer PSD to HTML conversion over traditional website development methods because of the myriad benefits the service offers. First, it gives the business owner complete autonomy over the website design. Second, websites developed by this method can be easily transformed and customized. They are scalable and responsive, and you can also select features that best fit your interests. Businesses operating in various industries opt for this service for better website traffic.

Modern designers and developers prefer to convert PSD to HTML as it allows them to simultaneously work on the project, saving time and costs. It is highly beneficial and automated, as the method uses advanced technologies and tools for website development.

How do I select a reliable outsourcing PSD to HTML company?

How do I select a reliable outsourcing PSD to HTML company?

Selecting a service provider can be the most challenging task for you. The biggest reason behind this challenge is the presence of several outsourcing companies in the market. Choosing the most suitable one requires in-depth research and detailed observation. If you are thinking of outsourcing the PSD to HTML conversion service, then keeping the following points in mind can save the day for you:

  • Analyze the portfolio: PSD to HTML conversion requires a great deal of expertise. It is best to carefully analyze the portfolio of previous work by the company. You should check if their work aligns with your interests and whether you like their deliverables. A company’s portfolio also contains links to the live websites they have created. You can visit these websites to score their commands in the field.
  • Industry experience: While there are many options available, you should consider a company with a decent amount of industry experience. The most preferable service provider will be the one with experience in your field of work. For example, if you are seeking to outsource a company for your e-commerce website, then try looking for a conversion company that has developed for the e-commerce industry in the past. Experience in a certain field teaches professionals many valuable lessons, which they employ in their future work.
  • Maintenance and support: Maintenance and support are vital considerations when outsourcing a PSD to HTML conversion service. Ensure the candidate possesses a solid understanding of post-development responsibilities, such as bug fixing, updates, and user assistance. Inquire about their approach to troubleshooting and their ability to work within existing codebases. A developer who values long-term software health and user satisfaction will contribute to a successful and sustainable project.
  • Tools and technologies used by them: When hiring a conversion service provider, evaluating their proficiency in tools and technologies is crucial. Assess their familiarity with the relevant programming languages, frameworks, and development environments. Inquire about their experience with version control systems, testing suites, and deployment pipelines. A developer well-versed in the right tools can streamline development, enhance collaboration, and ensure the project is built efficiently and up to industry standards.
  • Project management approach: Assessing a company’s project management approach is essential. Inquire about their experience with agile, waterfall, or other methodologies relevant to your project. Gauge their ability to break down tasks, set milestones, and communicate progress. A developer who understands the significance of effective project management can contribute to timely deliveries, transparent communication, and adaptable development processes, ultimately leading to a successful outcome.

Benefits of outsourcing PSD to HTML conversion services

Businesses and website developers are always looking for tech-driven solutions. PSD to HTML Conversion works like magic when you want to achieve impressive results in less time. The conversion service becomes more convenient when you outsource it from a professional service provider. PSD to HTML conversion outsourcing companies help in cost and time effective solutions by helping you with their professional services. A reliable outsourcing company can bring you one step closer to your desire to have a top-notch, responsive website that is full of excellent features.

#1. Time-efficient work: Outsourcing a PSD to HTML Conversion service means letting the professionals handle it. The process saves a lot of time by allowing you to get the elements of your choice combined into a PSD file, which is then taken care of by the outsourcing company. The method saves time as they only have to convert the given file rather than design the entire website from scratch.

#2. Cost-effective: When you hire an outsourcing company, you get the added benefit of reduced conversion costs. Getting the PSD file converted by a developer involves using up several resources, plus it would also require additional staff. But a PSD to HTML service providing company will already have a trained team with excellent skills. They only charge you as per their pricing structure for the conversion service. 

#3. Customization: Since a professional PSD to HTML conversion company includes a team of trained professionals, it is likely to deliver better customizable services when compared to hiring a single developer for the task. A company can add features of any type based on your requirements and preferences. Whether you want a chat bot or a high-level GPS tracker, you get what you want. All you need to do is let them know about your choice of features, and they will customize the website accordingly.

#4. Warranty and assurance: A professional PSD to HTML service provider will always have a warranty and assurance policy. A comprehensive policy assures clients of the company's commitment to delivering error-free, high-quality conversions. Look for guarantees covering pixel-perfect design, cross-browser compatibility, and responsive functionality. A robust policy reflects the provider's confidence in their skills and dedication to client satisfaction, which can only be provided by an outsourcing company. 

#5. Risk analysis and management: Outsourcing reduces the risk associated with in-house development, such as unexpected staff turnover, skills gaps, or changing technology landscapes. Established outsourcing companies offer service-level agreements and warranties, providing you with a safety net in case of any issues. They handle all the forthcoming issues with care and responsibility to ensure that the project quality is not hampered. 

#6. Impressive turnaround time: Outsourcing providers are well-equipped to manage tight deadlines and deliver projects on time. Their streamlined processes and specialized teams ensure efficient project execution, allowing you to launch your website promptly and stay ahead of the competition.

What does the PSD to HTML outsourcing process look like?

What does the PSD to HTML outsourcing process look like?

Before you hire an outsourcing company for PSD to HTML conversion, you should know how the entire procedure works. This will assist you in making the right choice by understanding the outsourcing workflow more deeply. 

#1. Project analysis: Once you have a discussion with the finalized service provider, you should share your PSD files, project requirements, and expectations. The outsourcing team will assess the complexity of the design, the scope of functionality, and the desired features to formulate a project plan.  

#2. Project Timeline and planning: Once the project scope is defined, the outsourcing partner will present a detailed timeline with clear milestones. This roadmap provides transparency and ensures that both parties are aligned on project progress.  

#3. Design slicing: Design analysis involves breaking down the PSD design into individual elements like images, buttons, and sections. This is followed by slicing, where the design is sliced into different image files. These sliced images will be integrated into the HTML code later.  

#4. HTML/CSS coding: The coding phase is the most important part. The outsourcing team converts the sliced images into HTML and CSS code. They'll create the structure of the webpage, applying styles, fonts, and colors to match the original design.  

#5. Responsive design development: With mobile devices being predominant, a responsive design is crucial. The outsourcing team ensures that the website adapts seamlessly to various screen sizes and orientations, enhancing the user experience. 

#6. Final product testing: The outsourcing team performs a comprehensive quality assurance check to validate the accuracy of the conversion. They'll verify that the design elements are aligned perfectly with accuracy, the links are functional, and there are no visual discrepancies. 

#7. Client feedback: Before finalizing the project, the outsourcing provider seeks your feedback on the converted website. This is the opportunity to request adjustments or modifications to meet your specific requirements.  

#8. Finalizing the project: After addressing your feedback and making necessary revisions, the outsourcing team will finalize the project. This involves optimizing the code, ensuring all features work flawlessly, and confirming that the website functions as intended.  

#9. Website launch: Once the converted website is approved by you, the outsourcing provider will deliver the finalized HTML files along with other required files. You can launch the website yourself or the outsourcing company can also do that for you. 

Frequently asked questions

How much do you charge for the PSD to HTML Conversion service?

PSD to HTML Conversion involves going through various stages like conversion, slicing of elements, coding, development, testing, maintenance, etc. The cost depends on factors like the design, file size, customization, and more. You can book a call with us, and we can further discuss your project.

Which design formats do you accept for conversion?

We accept a wide range of website design formats for conversion. Our skilled team of developers is proficient in converting various design file types into fully functional websites. From PSD, XD, PDF, Figma, and Photoshop, we can transform any design format into a pixel-perfect HTML website.

Can PSD-to-HTML Conversion add value to my website?

Yes, PSD to HTML conversion is crucial for your website's success, as it translates your static design into a dynamic and functional online presence. It ensures pixel-perfect precision, responsive design across various devices, improved loading speeds, enhanced SEO friendliness, and customization possibilities. A professionally converted design not only attracts and engages users but also boosts your website's credibility and search engine visibility.

Content us now for PSD to HTML Conversion


PSD to HTML Conversion is becoming increasingly popular as almost all industries are switching to this approach to website development. If you are looking for a reliable partner that can convert your unique designs into a fully functional and responsive website, then your search ends here at PSD to HTML Ninja.

Having worked in the industry for years, we possess the right expertise and tools. Our team of trained engineers, developers, designers, managers, and analysts works endlessly to deliver fruitful results. We follow Agile project management methodologies to deliver the project on time. You can book a call with us, and we will be more than happy to discuss your project in detail.

Read more: 

How To Convert PSD To HTML – A Complete Guide For Developers

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